Stigma or Ingorance?

While sat in the canteen at lunchtime earlier today, I became quite agitated with the conversation that was going on behind me. A few of the over-50s (some, even, qualify for retirement) were discussing the apparent cause of what lead to the closure of the M32 motorway in Bristol, yesterday afternoon. We all heard something about the closure on the radio but, there was no reason given at the time. It wasn’t until later that evening when the real story began to break.

It turns out that there were concerns for the safety of a man on the wrong side of the railings, on top of the bridge. He was prepared and threatening to jump. Only twenty-four hours after World Suicide Prevention Day! Whatever it was, something in his life had pushed him so far, he found himself in a situation where he was prepared to end it all.

How do you think the old gits reacted to this news? What were their perceptions of the event?

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